Information about the company


Company identification number

This is issued by the Federal Employment Agency. You can apply for the company number at the Company Number Service and use the Company Data Maintenance (DSBD) record to submit changes for your company. If we have been commissioned to prepare your current payroll accounting, we will be happy to handle the change notifications for you.

Employer's Liability Insurance Associations/Accident Insurance Funds

The Statutory Accident Insurance provides information on which accident insurance institution is responsible for your company via the free Infoline (0800 60 50 40 4). Further information can be found on the website of the employers' liability insurance associations/accident insurance funds.

Tax number

Your company needs a tax number. You can obtain one from your local tax office. Your tax advisor can help you with this.

Sales tax ID

You can apply for a VAT ID using the Form Management System of the Federal Ministry of Finance.

Information on employees

  • Personnel master data of the employee (name, date of birth, etc.)
  • Employment relationship data (hours, remuneration, vacation days, etc.)
  • Work permit (only for employees from NON-EU countries) 
  • Data on capital-forming benefits
  • Membership certificate of the health insurance company
  • Proof of parenthood, if this is not evident from the child allowance (care insurance supplement for childless persons)
  • Proof of severe disability
  • Tax identification number
  • Social security card
  • Details of vacation days