For over 40 years, relog has operated in Burgwedel doing business related to current payroll and salary administration services.

You can rely on:

  • the successful relog services
  • the thoughtful and efficient relog system
  • the trusting relationship between you and your relog location
  • the personal commitment of our employees.

relog - a strong brand


The creation of current monthly payroll and salary statements is a necessary task for any entrepreneur. Due to the amount of technical knowledge required, and a constantly changing legal environment, the process is increasingly hindering their capacity for business. The solution - especially for small and medium-sized enterprises - is outsourcing the payroll. Our relog locations take over the creation of your current payroll and salary administration. The benefits for the customer: efficiency and quality improvement while reducing costs!

Strong Staff

Competent and experienced relog franchisees and their staff guarantee high-quality payroll and salary administration. The result: neatly arranged statements and individual evaluations. Also, licensed application functions are provided, which enables data institutions to, by pressing a button, send (eg, data for the insurance). The transmission of your data is done using approved data processing programs certified by all health insurances as well as by the regional tax office in Stuttgart under Application Data Link Regulations (StADÜV).

Strong partners

Since 2003, relog has been active in the field of franchise and has since utilized many additional possibilities to establish its successful business model in the market, making relog faster and broader guaranteeing a good service.